WHY SHOULD WE CARE? Post #3 of a series

Proverbs 14:12 (KJV) There is a way which seemeth right unto a man,

but the end thereof are the ways of death.



John 3:16(KJV) For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


John 3:16(KJV) Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. 


This is not intended to be a religious initiative; and I am not a preacher. I have been dead two times. The first time more than 45 minutes. So now, I am attempting to get into Heaven when it is time for my third try.


Now that you know my motivation, let me tell you why I am putting forward this message; in this manner. I am convinced that man (flesh and blood) is frail, and our only hope of continued life on this earth is totally up to the God that created us.


Mankind was created by God (male and female created he), fashioned from the dirt of this earth. Then God breathed the breath of life into that body of clay, and man became a living soul. The soul was clothed in a body of flesh and blood.


God did not create black, or white, or yellow, or red. He did not create ethnic supremacy or single-parent homes. Every inequity on this earth today was imposed on society by the human exercise of free moral agency (free will). We choose to intermarry, to get drunk, to be gluttons at the table, to pursue emotional highs by virtue of drugs, and now, even a worldwide pandemic was leashed on the world by the willful exercise of choice.


This coronavirus pandemic is now proving to every living being in America, that when the breath that God gave us is stopped, by the virus and lung destruction, human abuse, or any other means, physical life ceases.


The good news is that there is another part of the story. We all know that it is appointed unto man once to die, after that the judgment. Purely and simply, the truth is, the soul will live forever. We have free moral choice, and where we will spend eternity is determined by what we do with the provision that God made before the creation of this earth.


That choice is simply based on how we respond to one question, “What will you do with Jesus?”  I have made my choice, and I have made the decision to share the good news, and encourage you and yours.

What does that have to do with share caring; skill training, books, a website, blog posts, and all of this?


All of these are merely thought provokers, from the computer of an octogenarian that has probably made more mistakes in life then you will live to experience personally. By sharing advice, counseling, mentoring and coaching, possibly you and others will be directed around the detours and blockades, and free up time and energy for something more worthwhile.


The problem worldwide today is that we do not achieve because we spend our time complaining about not getting what we are entitled to. Let me tell you without fear of contradiction; we are not entitled to anything. No one owes us anything.


It was mankind’s choice to go against God’s instructions in the Garden of Eden. It was God’s choice to give mankind a second chance, but with the circumstances inherent in choice; by the sweat of your brow, for the rest of your time on earth. What they deserved was death. But God gave them continued life. But without sinless perfection.


We hear so much about all the former iniquities of slavery. The truth is we are all slaves to someone or something.

·         At home, we are slaves to our mates or our children whoever imposes the strongest whim.

·         In the church, we are slaves to tradition (the religion of mankind).

·         At work, we are slaves to our boss, we merely make the term user friendly by calling it employment.

·         In society, we are slaves to our government.

·         In our finances we are slaves to our creditors.

·         With regard to our health, we are slaves to insurance dictates.


We need to wake up and realize that in every other country of this world in 2020, every citizen is a slave to their King, or Dictator, or Monarch, the Legislature, or whatever they want to call it. We need to remember our past, and rejoice that our paths have separated us from these other countries.


The purpose of these posts and every other initiative I am engaging in is to offer help. It will not be free, and it will not be available on a borrowed basis, but it will be inexpensive, and it will be effective (doing the right things at the right time) and it will be efficient (doing things right).


But to be of any value, the candidates must be WILLING TO BE HELPED, … WILLING TO ACCEPT A HAND UP, WITHOUT EXPECTING A HANDOUT.


This is my story and I’m sticking to it. But this is also an offer of guidance.


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