WHY SHOULD WE CARE? POST #5 of a series

 Proverbs 14:12 (KJV) There is a way which seemeth right unto a man,

but the end thereof are the ways of death.




   Exodus 17:12(KJV) But Moses' hands were heavy; and they took a stone, and put it under him, and he sat thereon; and Aaron and Hur stayed up his hands, the one on the one side, and the other on the other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun. 


   Psalms 116:9(KJV) I will walk before the LORD in the land of the living. 


   Romans 15:1(KJV) We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves.  

   Romans 15:2(KJV) Let every one of us please his neighbour for his good to edification. 

   Proverbs19:17(KJV) He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.

   Deuteronomy 15:11(KJV) For the poor shall never cease out of the land: therefore, I command thee, saying, thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land. 

   I Timothy 5:8(KJV) But if any provide not for his own, and especially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. 


Refired, not retired … When the majority of proprietary industrial apprenticeships were abandoned in the early 1990s, I semi-retired, started offering independent consulting services, teaching for local community colleges, and enrolling in graduate studies in biblical counseling and ministry. It appeared it was time to abandon skill transfer initiatives just as industry had.


Then the outcome of the 2016 election and the declaration by President Trump that there was a great need to return to trade schools and apprenticeship style training. Like the cartoon superhero's, I got my cape out of storage, dusted it off, and refired.


Currently, I am administering a pay-for-skill initiative for 32 apprentices in industrial maintenance and tool and die, in one company in Tennessee. During the pandemic I am writing books to challenge the unemployed and under-employment to pursue a self-directed DIY (do it yourself) remedial study initiative. Then seek employment with employer participation in an earn while they learn /pay for skill initiative based on an IDP (Individualized Development Plan).


This plan leading to certification in one of the companies most critical skill needs. ... What is different? Everyone has been led to believe that a few weeks of OJT (On the Job) training following a diploma or degree program will produce satisfactory skillsets.


Unfortunately, the desired PROCESS RELIABILITY SPECIALIST (A supposed skillset offered as Mechatronics) is attempting to replace the skill-sets of 6 former apprenticeship titles. Each were 4-year apprenticeships, and each involved a tool inventory of more than $5,000.00 (That is the equivalent of 24 years of training, and a minimum of $30,000.00 in tools at 1990 valuation).


With all that is omitted in the modern curriculum, there is never an opportunity to even discuss the terminology, tasks, tools, or techniques needed to maintain production in your facility. There is a better way. And with pay-for-skill there is no staggering educational debt. The devil is always in the details, and the details involve the correlation and  scheduling of Web-based online instruction (RTI), with task assignments (OJT). We'll help.


The process is simple in execution, like building a highway, when equipment arrives on the scene and dirt begins to be moved, 90% of the work has been done. The work in setting up an IDP for a student (potential employee) involves; administering a basic skills assessment, then remediating the gap between the current performance level and at least 80% proficiency.


While remediating the basic skills the candidate will be given the opportunity to preview five or more job titles that they would be interested in.


Once the basic skills are mastered, an assessment would be administered that umbrellaed all of the job categories identified as being of interest. The gaps indicated in the assessment will produce the IDP needs for the Related Instruction. The US Department of Labor,


Occupational Network – (O-Net) provides the performance skills (OJT objectives), the attitudinal and the specific academic parallels for more that 13,000 job titles. Unlike the world of academia, this data base provides an International standard (and the credential is equivalent to articulation contracts across all 50 of the states, and our closest neighbors).


Quite simply we can beat the devil by knowing how to access and apply all that is available to us.  The biggest key however it to make certain that every question in the assessment instruments is remediated by the curriculum. This is not possible in education.


The state department of education, or higher education set forth a generic entrance exam. Then the local board of education and a curriculum committee picks the textbook of their choice (not linked to the entrance exam). Finally, an instructor develops the lesson plan and teaches based on his experience and personal tactics.


We submitted the question “What is different?” earlier. There are many, but two that cannot be challenged are;

·         No one can fail IDP based performance-based technical skill training.

·         There is absolutely no need for college or educational debt.


We can help, but you will need to make contact, we do not know just where you are, yet.


Be blessed …



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